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What’s new in our production?

Newest news from then and now

Here we will keep you up to date with what is happening in our production. We are looking forward to becoming more and more involved with the roles. Also take a look at our blog!

It goes on!

CAFÉ ATARA : further performances

It continues in 2025! On February 7, 2025, CAFE ATARA will be visiting St. Theodor in Cologne-Vingst, Burgstr. 42, 51103 Cologne. The two performances begin at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Please register for your preferred performance at www.café or by email to (please specify time).

We will be happy to inform you about further performances on our website and via our newsletter !

Reactions of the guests

Our guestbook

“Dear Brian, Kane and actors,

It's such a great project. Thank you so much, so charming, personal - I met such interesting artists today.



“Thank you for this fantastic café time!”


“How nice that we will see each other again next year in St. Theodor in Vingst!”


"Thank you very much! It was super interesting and the atmosphere was very realistic."


“A great project, very stimulating and exciting with the super-informed actors! Thank you very much!”


“Thank you to the whole ensemble/team for this unique experience. So many questions have arisen and will continue to accompany me.”


"Very impressive to be taken into the feelings and experiences of Israel in the 1930s and 1940s. Superbly realized."

More impressions to follow!

Reactions of the guests

Our guestbook

“Dear Brian, Kane and actors,

It's such a great project. Thank you so much, so charming, personal - I met such interesting artists today.



“Thank you for this fantastic café time!”


“How nice that we will see each other again next year in St. Theodor in Vingst!”


"Thank you very much! It was super interesting and the atmosphere was very realistic."


“A great project, very stimulating and exciting with the super-informed actors! Thank you very much!”


“Thank you to the whole ensemble/team for this unique experience. So many questions have arisen and will continue to accompany me.”


"Very impressive to be taken into the feelings and experiences of Israel in the 1930s and 1940s. Superbly realized."

More impressions to follow!

Vorstellung Café Atara in Vingst.jpg

Nicht nur Veranstalter und Team gingen glücklich nach Hause, sondern auch unsere Gäste. Hier ein Auszug aus unserem Gästebuch:

"Was für ein inspirierender Spätnachmittag! Wir gehen reich an neuen Wissen und Inspirationen nach Hause."

"Vielen Dank, großartig Idee und Umsetzung!"

Im Café Atara trafen sich kluge Menschen, die immer den Glauben an die Menschlichkeit in sich trugen und die weiterzogen in der Hoffnung, Frieden zu finden in schwierigster Zeit. Weiter so. Danke."

Was für ein eine tolle Idee und Umsetzung. So lässt sich ein schweres Thema fantasievoll und aktiv erfahren - und ich konnte mit 3 Frauen sprechen! Danke!"

Ein außergewöhnliches Projekt-toll gearbeitet, vielfältig, anregend. Danke! Wir kommen noch einmal und bringen Freundinnen mit."

Molto Grazie - ein beeindruckender Abend-mitreißend, bereichernd, inspirierend."

Reactions of the guests

Our guestbook

Reactions of the guests

Our guestbook

“Dear Brian, Kane and actors,

It's such a great project. Thank you so much, so charming, personal - I met such interesting artists today.



“Thank you for this fantastic café time!”


“How nice that we will see each other again next year in St. Theodor in Vingst!”


"Thank you very much! It was super interesting and the atmosphere was very realistic."


“A great project, very stimulating and exciting with the super-informed actors! Thank you very much!”


“Thank you to the whole ensemble/team for this unique experience. So many questions have arisen and will continue to accompany me.”


"Very impressive to be taken into the feelings and experiences of Israel in the 1930s and 1940s. Superbly realized."

More impressions to follow!

It goes on!

CAFÉ ATARA : further performances

It continues in 2025! On February 7, 2025, CAFE ATARA will be visiting St. Theodor in Cologne-Vingst, Burgstr. 42, 51103 Cologne. The two performances begin at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Please register for your preferred performance at www.café or by email to (please specify time).

We will be happy to inform you about further performances on our website and via our newsletter !

CAFE ATARA has been brought back to life!

CAFÉ ATARA : The Premiere

The CAFE ATARA in the Café Hallmackenreuther in Cologne was a complete success! Many thanks to all guests for coming! All of the screenings were very well attended and the reactions of the visitors were more than positive!


The actors were equally enthusiastic. Thank you for your great commitment!


Thanks also to the many helpers and supporters in the background like Jan Liesefeld with his many videos and photos. And we would also like to take this opportunity to thank our hosts from Café Hallmackenreuther .


Many thanks also to the United World Organisation eV , which has taken over the sponsorship of the project. We would be delighted to continue working with you!


Special thanks go to Joachim Schlör , who traveled all the way from Berlin. Professor Schlör is one of the leading international experts in German-Jewish studies. As part of his work, he rediscovered Sammy Gronemann and published his works for the first time in Germany. It was a particularly beautiful sight to see him in the CAFE ATARA next to his discovery!


And last but not least, a very special thank you to Kane Kampmann and Brian Michaels for bringing the CAFE ATARA back to life and taking us on this extraordinary journey to Jerusalem in the 1930s!


Here are some impressions from the CAFE ATARA:

Else Lasker Schüler with guests
Sammy Gronemann with guests
Gabriele Tergig with guests
Eric Mendelsohn with guests
Café Atara projection
Eric Mendelsohn with guests
Else Lasker Schüler
Beatrice Zweig
Joachim Schlör in Café Atara

Radio & Newspaper

CAFÉ ATARA in the media

We are pleased that several newspapers and radio stations have also reported on the "CAFÉ ATARA" project. Particularly noteworthy is an interview with director Brian Michaels on "Scala" on WDR5.

Here are some links:
WDR 1 "Culture at Noon"
Kölner Stadtanzeiger

Soon in Cologne

CAFE ATARA opens its doors

Here we will keep you up to date with what is happening in our production. We are working flat out and are looking forward to becoming more and more involved with the roles. Take a look at our blog!

Our podcast

CAFE ATARA on Spotify

The "CAFE ATARA" project also includes a podcast on Spotify. High school students from the Open School in Cologne ask questions to Joachim Schloer, one of the leading international experts in the field of German-Jewish studies . Take a listen:

Video material Public rehearsal CAFE ATARA

Video material Public rehearsal CAFE ATARA

Video material workshop CAFE ATARA


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